Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Lost, but not forgotten.

It's been quite a while since I have been on here. A lot has happened.

I got a job! A full time job. So now I have a full time and a part time job. It was like a Christmas present to me.
I started the 3rd of January and it is great to be back to work.

I have picked up my writing again. Sometimes, I can step away from it for a long time, and other times, I become obsessed with it. I don't know what I will do with it when I'm done. But it just wants out.

Christmas was good. My mom came to visit and it was fun. We went to the movies and did some shopping. Made cookies. We love to bake.

My dear husband still hasn't found a job. And not for a lack of trying. It's so frustrating to see other people finding jobs and yet he still can't get someone to hire him. He is stuck in that middle area where you know more than and need more money than an entry level position, but no one is hiring for those types of positions.

All we can do is hope and pray. I've been doing a lot of praying.