When I hear about children and adults who cannot read for any reason, be it lack of education, Dyslexia that was never discovered or even being told they didn't need to learn because they are dumb or too handicapped to need to know how to read, hurts me to my core. In the United States today, if anything should be a fundamental right, it should be the ability to read so anyone can stay as informed as possible without having to rely on others to hopefully inform your correctly.

A few weeks ago, I registered to read in Eljay's Used Books 24 Hour Read-A-Thon to raise money for the Greater Pittsburgh Literacy Council.
So here I am hoping and praying that YOU will be an awesome person and help me raise money for them.
Like most marathon events, I would love it if you could pledge a certain amount of money for every hour I read. I am shooting for all 24 hours, but the event organizers say it has only been done by around 6 people in the few years it has been done. It doesn't have to be much, even .50 cents an hour would add up to $6.00 if I make it to the full 24 hour mark.
Or if you would like to donate just a straight amount that is great too!!
There are the guidelines listed for us readers:
"Readers can start getting pledges as soon as they have turned in their registration packet. Pledges can be given in a per-hour format (Bob might offer you $5 for as many hours as you can read) or in a flat rate (Bob might offer you $35 for reading in the event) form. Pledge money must be turned in to Eljay’s books by October 31st. Pledge money can be collected in cash (preferred) or in a check made out to Eljay’s Books with the words GPLC Read-A-Thon Donation on the check memo line."
I know this seems a little old school, but it's a small event in its infancy. More sophisticated methods of donation take time. If you wish to contact Eljay's Used Books about a different payment method, their phone number is 412-344-7444.
I will be accepting pledges from now thru Friday, October 12th. If you wish to pledge, feel free to leave a message in the comments section with your Pledge Per Hour amount and I will start a separate post recognizing the awesomeness of your pledges and donations. If you wish to donate or wish to keep your pledge anonymous, you can EMAIL ME your Pledge Per Hour amount or donation amount and information at brooksiefan44 at gmail dot com
From October 15 - October 27, I will be be collecting your donations so I can turn them in by October 31st.
As I collect, I will keep everyone updated on my collection total.
I really hope you will find it in your hearts to help me make this 24 Read-A-Thon a success for this great organization and get people reading and living a great life.