In October of 2011 I started what I call my Book Journal. I write down the date I finished reading the book, title and author just to keep track of what I am reading. I have always been curious as to how many books I read (or reread) in a year. So this is my attempt at keeping track of that. So far I have been diligent in keep track. I have found that on average I can ready 4-5 books a month. My husband the speed reader does about 8-10 a month. And no we don't just read, we have other hobbies and do other activities and we both have second jobs. Scary I know.
The book I finished yesterday really slowed me down this month. Especially since I started reading it last month. But what do you expect when it is 722 pages long and the print was miniscule.

I don't quite know how to introduce this book. I guess I can start by how I came upon it. I was trolling Barnes and Noble online searching through the sci-fi/fantasy/paranormal sections and ended up on a page that showed most purchased in those genres. I am always intrigued by covers and titles when it comes to finding new authors. This one caught my eye, so I decided to read the synopsis.
Let me just say I am SO glad I did. Yes I capped, emboldened and underlined that. My next trip to Barnes and Noble had me searching high and low for this book and luckily they had it in stock. I was daunted not so much by the amount of pages, but by the tiny print.
I really hate tiny print in paper backs. When you get to the middle of the books, it becomes a struggle to read those words near the binding and half the time you end up cracking the binding which I HATE.
But back to the book. Aside from what the synopsis told me, I really didn't know what to expect. I am not traditionally a fan of fantasy books. You will never catch me reading Tolken (yes be shocked). But from the beginning Rothfuss pulled me in. The story of Kvothe (pronounced Quothe) from his beginnings as a trouper, traveling with his family from village to town to city putting on plays and performing music to his "magic" education at the University at such a young age were so engrossing that I would find myself lost in his world in the Commonwealth. When I would have to put the book down to do work or go to bed I always felt like I should read on just a little bit more.
I don't know how to accurately describe the book without giving away too much of the plot. But suffice it to say I highly recommend you read this book. And I have to say that with in 10 minutes of finishing it, I was online ordering the second book in the trilogy since I haven't been able to find it in stores. I hope to have it by the end of the week.
Go get lost with Kvothe as he travels from the roads of the Commonwealth to Tarbean as he struggles to survives and his adventures at the University and his quest for more knowledge and the name of the wind.
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